
Spaces Host Sign Up

Sign Up to Spaces
Watch the videos below to see Pastor Jonny & Pastor Sarah explain all about Spaces and how you could Host or Sign-Up to a Space
With a passionate commitment to Jesus and each other, Spaces commission us to create environments to speak and listen, opportunities to contribute, and time in our lives wrestled back around a table to look out for others. Hospitality is powerful. It breaks down isolation. We can feast on the flavours of faith, hope, and love in community.

Followers of Jesus hold deeply and dearly the necessity to gather with one another. We believe our collective identity can be understood through metaphors like body, bride, family, a holy temple made of living stones, branches, flock, priesthood and house. Our value, place, and function make more sense together.
The best of us is found within the rest of us.
We are made to connect. We need each other. How we create community, share time, learn, pray, help each other, eat together, listen, have fun, and are aware of the presence of God with us, needs our attention. Our gathered Sunday spaces are brilliant; however, they are not supposed to meet all our needs and they cannot be all following Jesus entails.
Baked in to following Jesus is carrying the value of being together. Gathering is non-negotiable. How we choose to show up for each other, though, is wide open for adventure.
As well as our gathered Sundays, when do we meet, eat, and pray - where are those Spaces?